Friday, May 06, 2016

Bloomin' lovely.

Getting a slightly later start than last year, the Pinot grigio vines are finally starting to bloom. (The Orange muscat vines are just starting to flower also.)  Spring, thus far, has been cool, windy (very windy) and the past two days have even been showery.  I'm not surprised that the grapevines seem somewhat reluctant to bloom, thereby subjecting their delicate little flowers to the less than perfect current climatic conditions. Sigh.  But bloom they must.
There is a lot of good, viticultural stuff going on in the above photograph: not the least of which is the brilliant mechanism that is the unfurling of the calyptra.  I love grapevines.
Oh, and happy Sauvignon blanc day!


New Hampshire Wineman said...

Yeah, it's been one of the coldest springs I can remember; it's been cloudy, rainy or otherwise mostly cold to cool for seven days now!
Darn! I must have visited Vinsanity three or four times yesterday, but somehow I missed SB day; turned-out to be a "cured" Granacha day for me. ;)

Vinogirl said...

NHW: Sorry, didn't post till late. Had a glass of St. Supéry 2015, Napa Valley SB for you :)

New Hampshire Wineman said...

Just when I thought I understood something, like in this case of the St.S. SB, I'd be inclined to say something stupid like: “discretion is the better part of valor,” of course I'd get it's meaning all wrong (not being English and all), but let me ask, and I suppose one shouldn't ask this either, how much did the St.S. set you backwards?

Vinogirl said...

NHW: I traded three bottles of TWWIAGE SB for three bottles of the St. Supéry SB, so $31.50 (not including tax).

Thomas said...

Dennis: To make you feel better about the weather, if it's possible: we are having the same crappy weather you describe you are experiencing.

This year, I will have no peaches, no cherries, minimal plums, and maybe some pears and apples. Flowering sucked. Everythibg else is late, even the lilacs.

New Hampshire Wineman said...

Thomas: Everything you've said is true here as well, but it doesn't make me feel better; I'm sorry that it's been that way for you also.
I suppose it could be worse, i.e. Canadian fires!
In the mean time I'll listen to Bob Marley, watch TV with my son, and decide on a Big, big red!

New Hampshire Wineman said...

VG: Wow, $31.50 was almost twice my $17.99! I hope it was worth it!

Vinogirl said...

NHW: No, $10.50 each...should have made that clearer.