Thursday, December 17, 2015

The final.

Tonight was the final week of my wine marketing class - and the night I had to take the final exam.  I think I did alright, it was a fairly straight forward test on all of the topics covered over the entirety of the semester.
At the end of the exam, there was a question for extra credit.  The question was: Who said, "The medium is the message"?  Well, I could not for the life of me recall who had rambled off that particular, little expression.  I had written the quote down, but not the author, Marshall McLuhan.  I can't remember whether or not that I had felt that it wasn't important at the time to jot down a name.  Or that perhaps at that particular moment the instructor was speaking faster than my note taking ability.  Or even if I simply did not know how to even spell McLuhan, (Mc and Mac names can, at times, be bothersome).  I do know I won't be getting that extra point.  And I'll remember Mr. McLuhan from this point forward.
Anyway, school's out.  Whoo hoo!  Now the Christmas festivities can begin in earnest.


New Hampshire Wineman said...

VG: Merry Christmas to you and all yours, to Thomas and ALW!
Did you print-out that label?

Vinogirl said...

NHW: Yea, it's amazing what you can do, with a cheap printer and a glue stick, when you have no other inspiration for a photograph. Tee, hee.

Thomas said...

A great holiday to all VG's commenters and family--and to VG, of course, and VM.

I'll be scarce, but will pop in from time to time.

Vinogirl said...

Tomasso: Thank you, and the same to you and yours. But it's early days yet, you'll be back around Christmas Day won't you?

Thud said...

Merry xmas Thomas.